Last week, every time I walked into my kitchen, a fly buzzed around me. This lasted for several days. I never want to kill anything, including a fly, but I’m not above being annoyed by one hanging out in my kitchen and flitting around my food. Since he wouldn't fly out a widow or a door, we ended up coexisting.
I should have talked to the fly, but I was so incredibly busy last week, going so non-stop, that I didn’t even think to do that. What I did have time to notice, though, was that neither of my cats went after that fly — not once. One of my cats especially will go full acrobatic-hunting mode after a fly, but it never happened.
One night during this fly-in-residence period, I listened to a podcast of a mediumship reading while I was cooking dinner. At the end of the session, the medium brought through the person’s close friend who had crossed over. As I listened, I was amazed that each specific piece of evidence that came through about the friend applied specifically to my friend Diana on the other side as well. In all, there were five details and all five applied to Diana. The odds of that are a bit high.
Then, the medium said, “Do you connect with things with her? She says the fly that’s in your house…know that that’s her.”
That’s when I completely collapsed.
All at once, I realized Diana had sent the fly who just wouldn’t go away. And she asked my cats to let the fly be. And right then I loved the fly so much and thanked Diana for reaching out to me in the most creative, unexpected, mind-blowing way.
This wasn’t a recent podcast — I had chosen at random an older episode released months ago to listen to that evening, right during the time the fly was buzzing around me.
Two days later the fly began buzzing near me again, this time at my desk. I said, “Thank you, Diana!”, and then the fly landed on my nose. I’m thinking, you cannot make this up, in any universe!!
Today, right before I started writing this post, I listened again to that portion of the podcast where the medium connected with the friend, and I heard something I hadn’t noticed the first time: Upon learning the fly was a sign from her friend, the woman receiving the reading said, “I’m like, this fly is going to end up landing on my face during this reading!”
I always say there is no limit as to how our loved ones on the other side (humans or animals) can reach us…and continue to reach us.
One night years ago, just as I was brushing my teeth, my newly adopted cat walked into the bathroom and did a very specific tail twitch which was my cat Willow’s very specific nightly routine. The timing and the twitch were absolutely Willow, and I took it as her blessing from the other side that I was now with the new cat. The new cat never did the twitch again, much less walk in on my tooth brushing ever again.
A couple of years ago, I told a new cat sitter to not be surprised if Calla would be friendly with her and that Faro would hide, as that’s how they’ve reacted in the past to new people. The cat sitter then reported back that the opposite had happened — Faro gave her tons of love while Calla retreated under the bed. Turns out the cat sitter’s own cat had just passed away and he had looked identical to Faro. I know Faro agreed with her cat to give her the comfort she needed when she needed it.
Something that looks like a coincidence that touches you deeply, heals your heart in the smallest-or-most-epic way, or makes you stop in your tracks…that’s evidence of the unending support from the other side, the universe, and the magic of the world we get to live in. And we don’t have to try to experience it — if we allow and be open it will show up.
Any being, as small as a fly, can deliver a message. And any being, just like you, can receive one. Divine timing is real, love is real, and animals and insects are willing to help us learn just how real they really are. 💜
Thank you for sharing your wisdom! Every word is so true! Many Blessings!😘🙏😇