Last week I woke up wondering why I’d just had a dream starring an acquaintance of mine. I hadn’t been thinking of this person lately, and we hadn’t communicated in a while. Then when I reached for my phone, I saw that he’d texted me (we definitely hadn’t texted in a million years). My reaction? I thought, “Oh cool — I’m in the flow!”
I love when intuitive connections happen in the most natural way without trying. Dreams are a great example of that — when our alert, logical mind is turned off, we can be open to receiving information in the form of premonitions, visits from loved ones on the other side, or answers to waking-life’s challenges.
One time I thought about recycling a box sitting next to my desk that my cat Faro used to love sleeping in. I hadn’t seen him in it for months, so I decided to add it to the recycle pile when I was finished work. Ten minutes later, Faro jumped into the box and curled up for a nap. I thought, “Cool! We’re in the flow!” I was feeling grounded and clear that day. Faro’s antennae picked up my thought (pure energy carrying information like a radio signal) loud and clear and he answered me (Please don’t throw it away! I still want it.). I didn’t consciously direct the thought to Faro, but he received the info anyway. That’s the flow.
When I took a trail ride with the horse Mr. Big in Costa Rica for the first time, he tried his best to get me out of my head by mirroring my anxious mind (he’d suddenly go off the trail or hop in erratic directions to show me I was worrying about everything that could go wrong, rather than truly being with him on the ride). By the end of the trail, I got the message and he started to gallop (the thing I had been most terrified of), and to my surprise, my body bounced in sync with his body, my hair/his mane floating in the wind, and it was the most freeing experience ever. That’s being in the flow.
The flow is my end-all-be-all goal. It’s when our intuition is firing on all cylinders effortlessly. It’s where we can handle all the ups and downs with ease and nothing can throw us off track. Here are three ways I maintain the flow:
1. Release resistance. Resistance can be anything from tight shoulders and a clenched gut, to a belief that things just aren’t going to work out for you, to full-on fear. All of these things energetically block the good stuff. When I’m in any of those spaces, I try to take deep breaths, realize I’m safe, and remind myself that life’s possibilities are truly limitless. The key here is to trust — in the universe, in your guides and angels who are looking out for you, in the power of your own balanced energy. I promise you, when you’re grounded, open, and allowing, the magic flows in and out of you.
2. Be present. It’s amazing how much of our waking life is spent focused on the past, projecting into what’s to come, or simply on our phones. The present is the only real healthy place to be. In fact, it’s the only place we can just “be.” Whenever I consciously bring myself back into the present, I feel instant relief. The most powerful thing you can do there? Say these words and mean them: “I accept myself where I am right now.” It doesn’t matter if you’re tired, sad, anxious, annoyed…where you are right now is OK. Accept it and you’ll bring yourself right into the flow.
3. Free yourself from the stories. Worry blocks your flow, for real, and most worry is just made-up stories about what we imagine might happen, or stories we create about the scary unknown. The technique that works for me is to ask myself, what’s the best thing that could happen today (or tomorrow, or next year)? You can actually train your brain to think of best case scenarios instead of worst. And that shifts your energy, which drops you right into the flow.
Yesterday I woke up to see my cat Calla sitting on the top of my dresser, her adorable face looking down at me. I looked into her eyes and told her how much I loved her and appreciated her. She kept her eyes connected with mine and softened them…and then I saw a glowing aura around her body. It was still dark in the bedroom, so this wasn’t a play of light. It felt like she was showing me her aura of love (it was a soft green, the color of the heart chakra). And I thought, “Cool! We’re in the flow!”