For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been doing the Physical Well-Being Meditation from Abraham-Hicks, where you’re guided to allow your natural state of wellness and to release resistance. The idea is that as vibrational beings in a physical body, our natural state is one of good health. If we’re experiencing something other than that, we're resisting that intrinsic vibrational state of wellness.
Ever since I started doing the meditation, I’ve found the concept of resistance mind-boggling. Why on earth would I be resisting my well-being? After years of struggling with chronic health issues, there’s practically nothing I want more than to be well.
Then the universe started giving me hints to help me understand. And when I say “the universe,” I mean a Broadway actress, my physical therapist, and my cat.

The other night I saw an interview with Bernadette Peters who is currently staring on Broadway in Hello Dolly. When asked what the hardest role of her career had been, she answered that she has always taken roles she felt she could handle. Then she said, who knows what the future will bring—the hardest role of her career may be yet to come. Afterwards, I was curious and looked up her age and was surprised to learn that she’s seventy years old. Eight shows a week on Broadway takes enormous amounts of energy and stamina. And clearly she is looking for roles beyond this one with no retirement in sight.
The next day I had a physical therapy session for my back, and my therapist told me about a seventy-four-year-old woman who did the Ironman triathlon a few years ago. That alone is amazing—but hold on—she broke her clavicle during the bike portion of the race, continued the remaining thirty-two miles on the bike, then walked the full marathon (over twenty-six miles) after that.
Last night I was reading my journal where I list things I’m grateful for. One entry stuck out: "My cat is doing great at twenty.” Every day I’m amazed that at her age, she can jump from the floor to my high bed. That she’s always beautiful and bright eyed. Throughout my experiences studying and teaching animal communication, I’ve asked my cat to speak to many animal communicators from beginners to advanced practitioners, and she never, ever tells anyone her age. In fact, she usually presents herself as super playful and energetic. Because that’s the way she sees herself.
I’ve had recent doctor visits where I’ve heard the phrase “not uncommon at your age,” and now I see that viewing ourselves as “so many years old,” and everything that number entails, is resistance. Bernadette, the triathlon woman, and my cat fly in the face of any preconceived notion of age. And look at the results!
There’s really no limit to what your natural state of wellness can manifest if you allow it. Eight shows a week…jumping up on a bed…it’s all joy and high vibration. And that I can’t resist.
It’s all about the magic. 🙌