At the beginning of each monthly shamanic circle I attend, the shaman reminds us to be grateful for the random group of souls gathered that night. He says that never again will this exact combination of people be in the same place at the same time, and there's a divine contract putting us together. I then look around the room of about thirty-five strangers and smile and wonder in what ways we're going to support and hold space for each other over the next two hours.

So now every time I’m randomly in the same place with strangers, I wonder why we're put together right here, right now. Yesterday on the 4 train, two men stood in the middle of the car, one calm guy helping another worried guy understand the subway map. When the first guy thanked the stranger for his help, instead of a typical "you're welcome," the man replied, "We're New Yorkers. We help each other—that's what we do."
Everyone in the car heard this guy, some smiled, and I got the feeling we all agreed with him. The energy on the 4 train felt pretty good after that (a rarity), and I ended up feeling grateful for that random assemblage of strangers.
Lately I’ve been cat sitting a kitty who came into my life soon after I lost my soul kitty Willow. I love caring for this cat, but when I do, I often end up thinking of Willow and missing her. The other day I got in the elevator to go to the cat’s apartment, and when I got off, I saw a woman and her toddler daughter in the hallway. I’m not sure why they were there, as they didn’t get into the elevator. When I approached the apartment door, I was shocked to see it said twenty-two instead of twenty-three, the floor I meant to go to—I was sure I had hit the right floor button. I felt sort of discombobulated, and as I headed back to the elevator, I said to the woman in the hall, “Ugh, I got off on the wrong floor.” She replied sweetly, “Oh, that happens!”
As I stepped into the elevator, suddenly the toddler took off running down the hallway giggling, and her mother called after her, “Willow!”
As I went up to twenty-three, I thanked the universe profusely for randomly putting me with a stranger in the wrong hall at the right time.
What if every time on a plane, in line for groceries, or on a street corner, we're put together with people who can inspire us or help us or receive our help? What if every random grouping is an opportunity for a surprising connection or a really cool message?
I think if we heighten our awareness a little and do our best to live in gratitude, the stars can align anywhere, (yes, even the 4 train). I say, let the random begin.
It’s all about the magic ✨